首页> 外文会议>International Conference ondvanced Measurement and Test >Experimental Study of End Milling Force on Manganese Steel

Experimental Study of End Milling Force on Manganese Steel




Cutting force is a key factor influencing the machining deformation of weak rigidity work pieces. In order to reduce the machining deformation and improve the process precision and the surface quality, it is necessary to study the factors influencing the cutting force and build the regression model of cutting forces. This paper discusses the development of the first and second order models for predicting the cutting force produced in end-milling operation of modified manganese steel. The first and second order cutting force equations are developed using the response surface methodology (RSM) to study the effect of four input cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, radial depth and axial depth of cut) on cutting force. The separate effect of individual input factors and the interaction between these factors are also investigated in this study. The received second order equation shows, based on the variance analysis, that the most influential input parameter was the feed rate followed by axial depth, and radial depth of cut. It was found that the interaction of feed with axial depth was extremely strong. In addition, the interactions of feed with radial depth; feed rate with radial depth of cut were observed to be quite significant. The predictive models in this study are believed to produce values of the longitudinal component of the cutting force close to those readings recorded experimentally with a 95% confident interval.



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