
Stimulation Unlocks Coalbed Methane: Lessons Learned in India




Although gas production from coalbed methane (CBM) wells has become an important source of energy in North Americaover last couple of decades, it still remains an upcoming area in India. India has the fourth-largest proven coal reserves in theworld and therefore considerable prospects exist for exploration and exploitation of CBM. Development of CBM and otherunconventional gas sources are currently a priority for India to meet its growing energy demand.An effort has been made in this paper to review the lessons learned from the stimulation and production of Raniganj CBMfield in India. Experiences from large number of CBM operations in the US and Australia have been useful in this regard,however several constraints specific to India had to overcome to make the campaign successful:1.India is an extremely cost-sensitive market.2.Location sizes are limited, making the logistics very challenging.3.Land acquisition problems, resulting in different drilling and field development strategies employed.4.Seasons/weather challenges in the northeastern part of India, where most of the CBM blocks are located.5.Proppant flowback is a problem due to lower closure stress.This paper will review over 150 recent hydraulic fracture treatments in CBM wells in India. It will summarize differentdrilling and perforation strategies, completion practices, hydraulic fracturing design considerations, job execution, difficultiesfaced and solutions employed in India to overcome the difficulties. It will conclude with lessons learned that can be applied infuture wells.
机译:虽然煤层甲烷(CBM)井的天然气生产井成为北美洲的重要能源来源,但仍然是印度仍然是即将到来的地区。印度拥有世界上第四大验证煤炭储量,因此勘探和开采CBM的广阔前景。 CBM的开发和其他不复制气体来源目前是印度的优先考虑,以满足其日益增长的能源需求。本文取得了努力,审查了来自印度Raniganj CBMFIEL的刺激和生产的经验教训。美国和澳大利亚大量CBM业务的经验在这方面都有用,然而,印度特有的几个限制必须克服,以使活动成功:1.india是一个极其成本敏感的市场.2。分配大小是有限,使物流非常具有挑战性.3。兰德收购问题,导致雇用不同的钻井和现场发展策略.4.Seasons /天气挑战在印度东北部门,其中大多数CBM块。5.Proppant返回是由于较低的闭合压力是一个问题。本文将审查印度CBM井中的150多个液压骨折治疗。它将总结在印度克服印度雇用的偏差局部和穿孔策略,完成实践,水力压裂设计考虑,工作执行,困难和解决方案来克服困难。它将与所吸取的经验教训可以追溯到应用中的课程。



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