
Shale Plays in The Netherlands




The Netherlands is a mature hydrocarbon province. EBN, the Dutch state participant for hydrocarbon exploitation and exploration, has identified shale plays as one of the contributors to add reserves and to maintain production at the current level. The main source rock for the limited amount of oil accumulations in The Netherlands are the Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) oil-prone shales. Lower Carboniferous (Namurian) hot shales have often been suggested as possible contributor to oil and gas Formation in The Netherlands as well, but this has not been proven to date. Recent discoveries of gas in the time-equivalent Bowland shales in the UK have encouraged interest in the production potential of these shales in North-western Europe. In this paper the geological and geomechanical properties of the Lower Jurassic and Lower Carboniferous are presented in a shale play context. The assessment methodology is subdivided in three sections: 1) the overall geology of the play, 2) the type and quantification of hydrocarbons present and 3) the production characteristics. New and specific measurements on core and cutting material include pyrolysis, methane adsorption, mineralogy, texture, porosity, permeability, static and dynamic geomechanical properties, hardness and fracture conductivity. The two identified plays show very distinctive properties. The Lower Jurassic samples indicate to be mostly thermally immature for dry gas implying that liquids can be expected. The Lower Carboniferous samples show areas that are overcooked. Mineralogical and geomechanical data suggest that different stimulation strategies may be necessary for these two plays to produce hydrocarbons effectively. The source rocks of Lower Jurassic age qualify as relatively soft while the Lower Carboniferous shales with high TOC content classify as very hard. Comparing the results of the assessment to known shale plays in the US, the plays position themselves in the opposite extremes of the productive shale play spectrum.
机译:荷兰是一种成熟的碳氢化合物。 EBN,荷兰州剥削和勘探的荷兰国家参与者已经确定了页岩扮演作为增加储备的贡献者,并在当前水平维持生产。荷兰石油积累量有限的主要源岩是侏罗纪(Toarcian)石油易一所少。较低的石炭系(Namurian)热卖人经常被建议作为荷兰的石油和天然气形成可能的贡献者,但这尚未得到证实迄今为止。最近在英国时代的鲍兰·鲍兰斯的燃气发现令人兴奋地对西北部这些页岩的生产潜力感兴趣。本文介绍了下侏罗纪和较低石炭系的地质和地质力学在页岩播放背景中提出。评估方法分为三个部分:1)播放的整体地质,2)烃的类型和定量存在于3)的生产特征。关于核心和切割材料的新和特异性测量包括热解,甲烷吸附,矿物学,纹理,孔隙率,渗透性,静态和动态地质力学性质,硬度和断裂导电性。这两个识别的戏剧表现出非常独特的属性。较低的侏罗纪样品表明,对于诸如能够预期液体的干燥气体,大​​多是热不成熟。较低的石炭系样品展示了覆盖的区域。矿物学和地质力学数据表明,这两种比赛可能有效地生产碳氢化合物可能需要不同的刺激策略。侏罗纪时代的源岩有资格相对较为柔软,而较低的石炭系含量高,含量为高TOC含量分类非常难。将评估结果的结果与已知的页岩扮演在美国,在生产性页面播放光谱的相对极端中播放定位。



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