首页> 外文会议>Technical Meeting of Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute >H_2O Number Density and Temperature Measurements in a Rapid Compression Machine using Mid-IR Absorption Spectroscopy

H_2O Number Density and Temperature Measurements in a Rapid Compression Machine using Mid-IR Absorption Spectroscopy




Transient evolution profile of important species and temperature in well-characterized experimental facility can provide insights into the combustion kinetics and validation database for the refinement of reaction mechanisms. In this investigation, temporal measurements of H_2O number density and temperature are conducted in a rapid compression machine using Mid-IR absorption spectroscopy. Quantum cascade lasers tunable in the mid-infrared (1300-1378 cm~(-1)) region are employed. While the ratio of absorption by two rotational lines of H_2O can be used to determine the temperature, the line broadening of these two lines can be different from each other and also depend on the buffer gases and temperature conditions. This can alter the line ratios, estimated temperatures, and number densities. In addition, the abundant strong absorption lines of H_2O can interfere with absorption signals by other species in the laser wavelength range and affect their quantification. Therefore, it is important to quantify the number density of H_2O accurately. For this reason, the line by line pressure dependence through the air broadened half widths (γ) and temperature dependence of the broadening through the exponent 'n' in the Hitran database have been extracted through experiments. Air, Ar, and H_2 as buffer gases are investigated in this work. Experiments have been done for temperature conditions of 460 K, 500 K, and 530 K and in the pressure range of 100-650 Torr.
机译:重要的物种和温度在特征良好的实验设施中的瞬态演化曲线可以为燃烧动力学和验证数据库提供深入的反应机制的洞察。在该研究中,使用MID-IR吸收光谱法在快速压缩机中在快速压缩机中进行H_2O数密度和温度的时间测量。使用中红外线(1300-1378cm〜(-1))区域调谐的量子级联激光器。虽然可以使用由H_2O的两个旋转线的吸收比率来确定温度,但是这两条线的线宽可以彼此不同,并且还取决于缓冲气体和温度条件。这可以改变线比率,估计的温度和数量密度。此外,H_2O的丰富强吸收线可以通过激光波长范围内的其他物种干扰吸收信号并影响它们的定量。因此,重要的是准确地量化H_2O的数量密度。因此,通过通过实验提取了通过空气通过空气的线压力依赖的线路的一线,并通过实验提取了通过实验来提取了利亚兰数据库中的指数'n'的宽度。在这项工作中研究了空气,Ar和H_2作为缓冲气体。已经进行了460 k,500k和530 k的温度条件和100-650托的压力范围的实验。



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