首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development >Acute toxicity of trimethyltin choloride on the sea urchin (Strongylocentyotus intermedius) embryos and larvae

Acute toxicity of trimethyltin choloride on the sea urchin (Strongylocentyotus intermedius) embryos and larvae




Trimethyltin chloride (TMT) is an organotin contaminant, widely detected in aqueous environments, posing potential human and environmental risks. In the present study, the embryo and larvae of sea urchin Strongylocentyotus intermedius were used as a model to investigate the toxic effects of TMT. Data obtained from the TMT acute toxicity tests were evaluated using the Probit Analysis Statistical Method. The results show that TMT pollution decreased the fertilization ability of sperms, but no obvious effect on the eggs and fertilization ability. The 4-arm stage larva and the sperms are sensitive to TMT. It is suggest that low levels (36.63 μg/L) of TMT in the aquatic environment may have a significant effect on the reproduction and development of sea urchin.
机译:三甲基氯化锡(TMT)是有机锡污染物,广泛检测在水性环境中,造成潜在的人类和环境风险。在本研究中,将海胆强度胚胎和幼虫用作探讨TMT的毒性作用的模型。使用探测分析统计方法评估从TMT急性毒性试验中获得的数据。结果表明,TMT污染降低了精子的施肥能力,但对卵和施肥能力没有明显影响。 4臂阶段幼虫和精子对TMT敏感。据表明,水生环境中的TMT的低水平(36.63μg/ L)可能对海胆的繁殖和发展产生重大影响。



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