
Critical Appraisal of Mental Health Applications




Background: Using mobile applications in health is progressing rapidly; hence, assessing them is essential to ensure their quality and standards. The present study was designed to critically evaluate the quality of existing applications in the field of mental health. Methods: In this is review the related keywords "Health and Mental health" were used in Persian and English to search in 4 application platforms: App Store, Google Play, Bazar (Persian version of Google Play), Sib app (Persian version of App Store). Inclusion criteria for the applications were either in Persian or English language and compatible with Android or IOS. The exclusion criteria were any application downloaded less than 100 times and those that were one dimensional such as only focusing on sleep disorder. A team of researchers reviewed each app in terms of two sets of criteria: 1) Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) subdomain scores for reviewing engagement, functionality, esthetics, and information; and 2) personalization level. Result: The search resulted in 958 apps, of which 61 had the inclusion criteria. Most of them (n=59, 97%) were rated as appropriate for all age groups and only two were designed for children. In MARS score, thirty-three percent (n=5) of the Persian apps received the rating of 2.5 or higher, while this score was 53 percent (n=27) for English applications. Eight application (13%) used dialogue boxes for personalization and 11 (18%) had feedback capability. None of the Persian apps could be personalized. Conclusion: Although numerous apps are available, there are only few apps with personalization features, which should be considered as one of the key features when developing this type of apps.
机译:背景:在健康中使用移动应用正在迅速发展;因此,评估它们对于确保其质量和标准至关重要。本研究旨在批判性地评估心理健康领域现有应用的质量。方法:在此内容中有关相关的关键字“健康和心理健康”被用来以波斯语和英语用于4个应用程序平台:App Store,Google Play,Bazar(Persian版Google Play),SIB应用程序(Persian版本的应用程序店铺)。涵盖应用程序的纳入标准以波斯语或英语语言,并与Android或iOS兼容。排除标准是任何申请下载了小于100倍,那些是一维的申请,例如只关注睡眠障碍。一组研究人员在两套标准方面审查了每个应用程序:1)移动应用程序评级规模(MARS)子域分数,用于审查参与,功能,美学和信息;和2)个性化水平。结果:搜索导致958个应用程序,其中61个具有纳入标准。他们中的大多数(n = 59,97%)被适用于所有年龄组,只为儿童设计了两个。在火星评分中,波斯应用的三十三(n = 5)的波斯应用程序获得2.5或更高的评级,而英语应用程序的评分为53%(n = 27)。八个应用程序(13%)用于个性化的对话框和11(18%)具有反馈功能。没有一个波斯应用程序可以是个性化的。结论:虽然众多应用程序可用,但只有很少有个性化功能的应用,这应该被视为开发此类应用程序时的关键功能之一。



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