首页> 外文会议>Conference on Cosmology and Gravitation in the Southern Cone >Measuring the dark matter equation of state and its cosmological consequences

Measuring the dark matter equation of state and its cosmological consequences




We explore the consequences of the measurements of the equation of state of dark matter7, on the homogenous FRW universe dynamics and build an alternative cosmological scenario to the concordance ΛCDM universe. The new paradigm is based on the introduction of an effective scalar field replacing the undetected components of the dark sector: dark matter and dark energy in the form of a cosmological constant. The scalar field obeys a barotropic equation of state p = ωρ with ω = ?1/3 and dominates the cosmological dynamics in the last 14.27 Gyr, in a universe with an age of 14.83 Gyr. Before that epoch, baryons and photons drove the general behaviour of the universe as in the standard ΛCDM scenario. We compute a minimal set of cosmological parameters which allow us to reproduce several observational results such us baryon abundance, constrains on the age of the universe, the astronomical scale of distance and the high redshift supernova data with a high degree of precision. However, it should be emphasized that the new model is not accelerating, instead expands asymptotically towards an Einstein Static Universe. We briefly mention the possible mechanisms behind the origin of such dominant component and analyze the prospective of reproducing the success of the standard cosmological model explaining the process of structure formation.
机译:我们探索暗matter7的状态方程的测量的结果,在同质FRW宇宙动力学,并建立一个替代方案宇宙的和谐ΛCDM宇宙。的新范例是基于引入一个有效的标量场更换暗扇区的未检测到的组分:暗物质和暗能量以宇宙常数的形式。标量场服从状态p的正压方程=ωρ与ω=?1/3和支配在最后14.27 GYR中的宇宙动力学,在宇宙与14.83 Gyr的时代。那个时代之前,重子和光子推动了宇宙的作为标准ΛCDM方案中的一般行为。我们计算一组最小的宇宙学参数使我们能够重现一些观察结果,例如我们重子丰,约束在宇宙距离的天文规模和高精确度的高红移超新星数据的年龄。但是,应该强调的是,新的模式没有加速,而是渐进扩展朝着爱因斯坦宇宙静止。我们简单地提到这样的主要组成部分的起源背后的可能机制,并分析再现标准宇宙模型解释的结构形成过程中取得成功的前景。



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