首页> 外文会议>NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Managing Global Environmental Threats to Air, Water and Soil-Examples from South Eastern Europe >Management of Spring Zones of Surface Water: The Prevention of Ecological Risks on the Example of Serbia and South Eastern Europe of Serbia and South Eastern Europe

Management of Spring Zones of Surface Water: The Prevention of Ecological Risks on the Example of Serbia and South Eastern Europe of Serbia and South Eastern Europe




Society has been living long in conditions of local and regional environmental risks caused by the growing demands, falling quality and diminishing, absolute and relative availability of water resources. Ecological risks, but also poverty of most of the world's population, are causes as well as consequences of the deficit of water resources. It has placed extremely complicated and complex tasks in front of fundamental and applied disciplines, social practice and different levels of political security decision making — how to solve environmental risks in the area of providing water, water protection, protection from water, fair distribu-tion of water, problems of upstream and downstream interests in the basin etc. Previous practice shows that intensity adjusted interaction in due time between man and environmental risks, especially in these cases where basic problems are water resources, leads to the improvement of social organization and arrangement of space. By contrast, bad attitude towards water resources and systems for their control causes the problems in the development and decline of many societies. Although relatively rich in water resources, regions of South Eastern Europe (SEE) a high degree of ecological vulnerability. Recent growing potential of environmental risks in the area of water resources is caused by climate change and substantially inefficient transition of social system, and delay in the development of large-scale water management infrastructure.
机译:社会在越来越多的需求,质量下降,递减,水资源的绝对和相对可用性造成的地方和区域环境风险的条件下,社会长期以来。生态风险,但也是世界上大多数世界人口的贫困,都是原因以及水资源缺陷的后果。它在基本和应用的学科,社会实践和不同水平的政治安全决策前面置于极其复杂和复杂的任务 - 如何解决提供水,防水,水,水平的环境风险,公平分布水,盆地上游和下游兴趣的问题。以前的实践表明,在人与环境风险之间的适当时间内强度调整相互作用,特别是在基本问题是水资源的情况下,导致社会组织的改善和安排的改善空间。相比之下,对水资源和系统的态度不良态度,导致许多社会的发展和衰退中的问题。虽然水资源相对丰富,但东欧地区(见)高度生态脆弱性。近期水资源领域环境风险的潜力是由于气候变化和社会制度转型大幅低效,以及大规模水管理基础设施的发展造成的。



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