首页> 外文会议>SPE Brasil Offshore Conference >Accurate Downhole-Temperature Estimates are Critical to Proper SlurryDesign-Improved Data-Collection Method Field Tested Successfully

Accurate Downhole-Temperature Estimates are Critical to Proper SlurryDesign-Improved Data-Collection Method Field Tested Successfully




Temperature is a parameter of great importance when simulating and modeling cementing or temperature-activated fluids(McSpadden and Glover 2008) because it affects the amount of retarders or accelerators needed to avoid undesired phenomena,such as premature cement setting or incomplete consolidation of the treatments. In 1964, API introduced the first set of tables (API2005) that listed the circulating temperatures and hydrostatic pressures for certain wellbore circumstances and bottomholeconditions and the fluids that could be used in different well treatments, such as cementing, lost-circulation control, and water orgas control, etc. The API procedures have been widely adopted and recognized in the oil industry, and most operating companiesfeel comfortable using them. However, increased demand for oil and gas has forced operators to perform drilling, completion, andmaintenance operations in deeper and more complicated zones. These zones are often classified as high-pressure/high-temperature(HPHT) fields. Currently, combining computational tools, such as computer simulation software and measurement sensors, allows operators toaccurately measure temperature and pressure values and adjust them with well-known heat-transfer models; as a result, possibletemperature changes during complex operations can be more accurately modeled. This paper presents multiple case historiesshowing the significance of using bottomhole pressure/temperature (P/T) measurement tools and the modified modeling of theheat-transfer effects as a function of operational parameters (flow rate, density, wellbore geometry). With more accuratetemperature data, laboratory testing can be performed to better predict the behavior of the treatments mentioned when exposed tothe more complex bottomhole conditions encountered.
机译:温度是在模拟和建模粘合或温度激活的流体时非常重要的参数(McSpadden和Glover 2008),因为它会影响避免不期望现象所需的延迟器或加速器的量,例如过早的水泥环境或治疗的不完全巩固。 1964年,API推出了第一组表(API2005),该表(API2005)列出了某些井眼环境和底部的循环温度和静水压压力,以及可用于不同井处理的流体,如胶结,丧失循环控制和水ORGAS控制等。API程序已被广泛采用和认可在石油工业中,大多数运营公司都舒适地使用它们。然而,增加对石油和天然气的需求已经强迫运营商在更深层和更复杂的区域中进行钻井,完成和维护操作。这些区域通常被归类为高压/高温(HPHT)字段。目前,组合计算工具(如计算机仿真软件和测量传感器),使操作员可以通过众所周知的传热模型来调整温度和压力值,并通过众所周知的传热模型调整它们;结果,可以更准确地建模在复杂操作期间的可能性改变。本文呈现多种历史悠久的历史,其使用井下压力/温度(P / T)测量工具和改进的转移效应的改性建模作为操作参数的函数(流量,密度,井筒几何)。通过更精确的数据,可以进行实验室测试以更好地预测暴露在遇到更复杂的井底条件时提到的治疗的行为。



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