首页> 外文会议>American Society For Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition >FACULTY HIRING PATTERNS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT ELITE UNIVERSITIES





Does it matter where you do your doctorate if your goal is to become a faculty member at a top mechanical engineering research university? A number of criteria have been used to rank engineering institutions including total research and development expenditures, federally sponsored research and development, number of members of the National Academies, significant faculty awards, size of endowment and annual giving, and mean GRE scores of enrolling graduates students, among others. As per the U.S. News and World Report rankings, the top 10 ranked programs in Mechanical Engineering are MIT, Stanford, UC-Berkeley, CalTech, Michigan-Ann Arbor, Georgia Tech, Illinois-Urbana Champagne, Cornell, Purdue and Princeton. However, as a graduating mechanical engineering doctoral student, what are your chances of receiving an offer at one of these top-ranked institutions in Mechanical Engineering. This study looks at the distribution of faculty at these institutions and where they received their doctorate. More than 60% of the faculty at the 10 top-ranked institutions has received their doctorate from these institutions themselves with nearly 45% of them from the top four. If you include other Ivy League schools and major international universities such as the University of Cambridge this number increases to nearly 80%. More than 50% of MIT faculty has received their doctorate from MIT itself. Georgia Tech is the most diverse and had the highest percent of faculty from non top 10 ranked institutions. MIT, Caltech and Stanford are the only institutions to have successfully placed their graduates at each of the top 10 ranked institutions, while UC-Berkeley takes the top honors in placing the highest number of its graduates at other top ranked institutions. So it appears that the institution where graduates receive their doctorate affects their employability as a faculty member at the top 10 ranked mechanical engineering programs.
机译:如果您的目标是成为一家顶级机械工程研究大学的教师会员,您是否会做博士学位?许多标准已被用于排名在内的工程机构,包括总研究和开发支出,联邦政府赞助的研发,国家院校成员人数,大量教师奖,捐赠的规模和年度给予,以及意味着参加毕业生的GRE分数学生,等等。根据美国新闻和世界举报排名,机械工程中的十大排名课程是麻省理工学院,斯坦福大学,UC-Berkeley,Caltech,密歇根州 - 安娜堡,乔治亚州科技,伊利诺伊州 - Urbana香槟,康奈尔,普渡和普林斯顿。然而,作为毕业的机械工程博士生,您在机械工程中最排名第一的机构之一收到报价的机会是什么。本研究介绍了这些机构的教师的分布以及他们收到博士学位的地方。超过60%的一流机构的教师已经从这些机构本身收到了他们的博士学位,其中近四个近45%。如果您包括其他常春藤联盟学校和主要的国际大学,如剑桥大学此数字增加到近80%。超过50%的麻省理工学院教师从麻省理工学院本身就收到了博士学位。格鲁吉亚理工学是最多样化的,占非十大排名机构的百分比。麻省理工学院,卡特克和斯坦福是唯一一家成功将毕业生毕业生的毕业生,而UC-Berkeley在其他最高排名的机构中将最高毕业生的最高毕业生纳入最高荣誉。因此,毕业生接受博士学位的机构似乎将其在排名前10名机械工程方案中的就业能力影响他们的就业能力。



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