首页> 外文会议>American Society For Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition >INCORPORATING SCREENCASTS INTO CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSES





How would you like to have this kind of feedback from your students? "they are fantastic", "they are amazing. ", "I love them", "They are very VERY helpful," "I think that they were unbelievably effective....." "They were extremely helpful for understanding material and preparing for exams" when surveying students about certain teaching methods? This is the kind of response that we have received from students about our screencasts. This enthusiastic student feedback, coupled with current research that supports the use of screencasts for enhanced student learning, has led us to expand our inventory of screencasts and widely disseminate them. Screencasts are short videos (less than 10 minutes) with narration and are made by digital capture of a tablet PC screen. Screencasts can be used by faculty to supplement their current teaching style, since they are equivalent to what an instructor might present on the board during class. They can be used in combination with textbooks, online reading quizzes, homework assignments, office hours, and exams. They can also be used to create flipped classrooms, where students work under the supervision of the instructor during class, and information delivery is outside of class. They are brief enough to hold students' attention, but complete enough to address a course learning objective. Screencasts can be introductions to a topic, solutions to example problems, explanations of concepts, software tutorials, exam reviews, or mini-lectures. Learning has been reported to be enhanced when learners study carefully worked out examples instead of attempting to do the problems themselves. Learners have easy and immediate access to these instructional materials on their own time.
机译:您希望如何从学生那种反馈? “他们很棒”,“他们很惊人。”,“我爱他们”,“他们非常乐于助人,”“我认为他们令人难以置信的有效.....”“”“”“他们对理解材料非常有帮助准备考试“测量学生有关某些教学方法时?这是我们从学生收到的关于我们的截面广播的那种反应。这种热情的学生反馈,加上目前支持使用屏幕Cass的目前进行增强学生学习的研究,导致我们扩大我们的截图库存并广泛传播它们。截图是短视频(少于10分钟),具有叙述,由Tablet PC屏幕的数字捕获进行。学院可以使用截图来补充他们当前的教学风格,因为它们相当于在课堂上展示了讲师的讲师。它们可以与教科书,在线阅读测验,家庭作业,办公时间和考试结合使用。他们也可用于创建翻转的教室,在课堂上的教师监督下的学生工作,信息交付不在课程之外。它们是足够简短的,以掌握学生的注意,但足以满足课程学习目标。屏幕Casts可以介绍一个主题,解决方案的问题,概念,软件教程,考试或迷你讲义的解释。据报道,当学习者仔细研究示例而不是试图自己自己做出问题时,据报道已经得到了增强。学习者可以在自己的时间内轻松立即访问这些教学材料。



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