首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology >An Improved Method for 3D Reconstruction Based on Uniform Point Drift Registration Estimation

An Improved Method for 3D Reconstruction Based on Uniform Point Drift Registration Estimation




It is indispensable to obtain more information such as the 3D structure of the space target by detecting and identifyingthe target, when complete the on-orbit servicing and on-orbit control tasks. Both lidar and binocular stereo vision can providethree dimensional information of the environment. But it is very sensitive to the illuminance of environment and difficult toimage registration at weak texture region, when we are using the binocular stereo vision in space. And lidar also has somedefects such as the lidar data is sparse and the scanning frequency is low. So lidar and binocular stereo vision should be usedtogether. The data of the lidar and binocular stereo vision are fused to make up for each others flaws.In this paper, uniform point drift registration method is used in the fusion of point cloud which is sampled by lidar andbinocular stereo vision. In this method, the two groups of point cloud are considered as one which submit to mixed probabilitydistribution and the other one which is sampled from the points submit to mixed probability distribution. The transformationestimation between the two groups of the point cloud is maximum likelihood estimation. The transformation is required totake overall smoothness. In other words, the point clouds should be uniformed. The uniform point drift method can solve theregistration problem efficiently for 3D reconstruction. Usually the time can be compressed by 10%.
机译:通过检测和识别获得更多信息,例如空间目标的3D结构等信息是必不可少的目标,当完成轨道服务和轨道控制任务时。 LIDAR和双目立体声愿景都可以提供环境的三维信息。但它对环境的照度非常敏感,难以当我们在空间中使用双目立体声视觉时,在弱纹理区域的图像配准。而丽莎也有一些LIDAR数据等缺陷是稀疏的,扫描频率低。所以应该使用激光雷达和双目立体声视力一起。 LIDAR和双目立体声愿景的数据被融合以弥补彼此的缺陷。在本文中,均匀点漂移登记方法用于LIDAR采样的点云的融合中使用双目立体声愿景。在这种方法中,两组点云被认为是提交与混合概率的一组分布和从点采样的另一个,提交到混合概率分布。转型两组点云之间的估计是最大似然估计。转型是必需的整体平滑。换句话说,应该均匀覆盖点云。均匀点漂移方法可以解决注册问题有效用于3D重建。通常时间可以压缩10%。



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