首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining >Entrepreneurs' Networks: Size, Diversity and Composition Shaped by Cultures of Rationality and Trust

Entrepreneurs' Networks: Size, Diversity and Composition Shaped by Cultures of Rationality and Trust




The network around an entrepreneur is conceptualized as having structural properties of size, diversity and composition as network components of varying prominence in the entrepreneur's network. These properties are important by impacting entrepreneurs' performance in terms of innovation, exporting and expectations for growth. In our research-consortium Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a sample of 35430 entrepreneurs in 42 countries reported on relations with up to 20 advisors. Cluster analysis of their relations discerned five components: a private network of advice relations with spouse, parents, other family and friends, a work-place network of boss, coworkers, starters and mentors, a professional network of accountants, lawyers, banks, investors, counselors and researchers, a market network of competitors, collaborators, suppliers and customers, and an international network of advice relations with persons abroad and persons who have come from abroad. Entrepreneurs' networking is embedded in their cultures with the dimension of trust and the dimension of traditionality versus rationality. Rationality and trust are hypothesized to enhance size and diversity of networks and prominence of the work-place network, of the professional network, of the market network and of the international network, but to reduce prominence of the private network, that is, the private network is hypothesized to be more prominent in a culture of traditionality and in a culture of distrust in others beyond family and friends. Cultural effects on networking are tested as macro-to-micro effects in two-level mixed linear models with fixed effects of national levels of rationality and trust and individual-level variables as controls and random effects of country, where the dependent variables are the properties of the networks. We find that rationality promotes diversity of networks and prominence of work-place network, professional network, market network and apparently also internation- l network, but reduces prominence of the private network. Trust increases size of the networks, diversity of networks, prominence of market network and apparently also work-place network and professional network, but reduces prominence of the private network. These cultural effects are larger than most effects of entrepreneurs' individual characteristics.
机译:在企业家周围的网络被概念化为具有规模,多样性和组成的结构性,作为企业家网络中不同突出的网络组件。这些属性是通过影响企业家在创新,出口和期望的增长方面的绩效。在我们的研究 - 联盟全球创业监测监测率上,42个国家的35430名企业家样本报告了与最多20名顾问的关系。他们的关系集群分析探明了五个组成部分:私人网络与配偶,父母,其他家人和朋友,老板,工友,初学者和导师的工作场所网络,律师,律师,银行,投资者的专业网络,辅导员和研究人员,竞争对手,合作者,供应商和客户的市场网络以及与国外人员和来自国外的人的国际咨询关系网络。企业家的网络嵌入他们的文化中,具有信任的维度和传统性与合理性的维度。理性和信任是假设,以提高网络和国际网络的专业网络,专业网络的网络和突出的规模和多样性,但减少私人网络的突出,即私人网络网络被假设在传统的文化中更加突出,以及在其他人之外的别人的传统文化中更加突出。对网络的文化效果被测试为两级混合线性模型中的宏观微观效果,其具有国家合理性和信任和个人级别变量的固定效应为国家的控制和随机效果,其中依赖变量是属性网络。我们发现合理性促进了网络,专业网络,市场网络的网络,专业网络,市场网络的多样性,并且显然也是国际网络,但减少了私有网络的突出。信任增加了网络的规模,网络的多样性,市场网络的突出,显然也是工作站的网络和专业网络,但减少了私有网络的突出。这些文化效果大于企业家个人特征的大多数效果。



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