
The Curious Case of the CPT(Abstract)




On September 30, 1999, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) promulgated the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWC NESHAP). By March 30, 2004, all facilities subject to Phase I of this rule (incinerators, cement kilns, and lightweight aggregate kilns) were required to conduct a comprehensive performance test to demonstrate compliance with the rule. Nearly six years later, the Phase I facilities are repeating this effort, while units subject to the Phase II standards (boilers and hydrochloric acid production furnaces) are enjoying their first go-around with the process. Has this six year's time made the process any easier? This paper explores the elements of these tests - from developing, submitting, and receiving approval of your test plan, to receiving that all-so-desired finding of compliance, and evaluates how the process has evolved over the past six years. We will compare 2004 experiences to those of today, will review how agency review and approval of plans has progressed, and will discuss common problems that have been experienced.
机译:1999年9月30日,美国环境保护局(USEPA)颁布了危险空气污染物的国家排放标准,用于危险废物燃烧器(HWC NESHAP)。到2004年3月30日,所有设施所需的所有设施(焚烧炉,水泥窑和轻量级窑)都被要求进行全面的绩效考试,以证明遵守规则。近六年后,我的阶段设施正在重复这项努力,而通过II期标准(锅炉和盐酸生产炉)的单位享有它们的第一个随意。这六年的时间是否使这个过程更容易?本文探讨了这些测试的要素 - 从开发,提交和接受您的测试计划批准,以接受所有所需的遵守方式,并评估过去六年的过程如何发展。我们将对2004年的经验进行比较,将审查机构审查和计划的批准,并将讨论经验丰富的常见问题。



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