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Some Comments on the String Singularity of theYang-Mills-Higgs Theory

机译:关于艾刚 - 米尔斯 - 希格斯理论的奇异性的一些评论



We are going to make use of the regulated polar angle which had been introduced by Boulware et al. to show that in the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory when the magnetic monopole is carried by the gauge field, the Higgs field does not carry the monopole and vice versa. In the Yang-Mills-Higgs theory, our solution shows that when the parameter e 0 , the monopole is carried by the gauge field and there is a string singularity in the gauge field. When the parameter E 0, the monopole is transferred from the gauge field to the Higgs field and the string singularity disappeared. The solution is only singular at the origin, that is at r = 0 as it becomes the Wu-Yang monopole.
机译:我们将利用Boulware等人推出的受调节的极角。为了表明,在SU(2)阳米尔斯 - HIGGS理论中,当磁性单极由规格磁场承载时,HGGS场不会携带单极并反之亦然。在阳米尔斯 - HIGGS理论中,我们的解决方案表明,当参数E 0时,单极板被规格场携带,规格场中存在弦奇异性。当参数e 0时,monopole从仪表字段传输到HIGGS字段,并且字符串奇点消失。该解决方案仅在原点上奇异,即在r = 0处,因为它成为武阳单极。



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