
Automatically Determining Compatibility of Evolving Services




A major advantage of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) is composition and coordination of loosely coupled services. Because the development lifecycles of services and clients are decoupled, multiple service versions have to be maintained to continue supporting older clients. Typically versions are managed within the SOA by updating service descriptions using conventions on version numbers and namespaces. In all cases, the compatibility among services description must be evaluated, which can be hard, error-prone and costly if performed manually, particularly for complex descriptions. In this paper, we describe a method to automatically determine when two service descriptions are backward compatible. We then describe a case study to illustrate how we leveraged version compatibility information in a SOA environment and present initial performance overheads of doing so. By automatically exploring compatibility information, a) service developers can assess the impact of proposed changes; b) proper versioning requirements can be put in client implementations guaranteeing that incompatibilities will not occur during run-time; and c) messages exchanged in the SOA can be validated to ensure that only expected messages or compatible ones are exchanged.
机译:面向服务的架构(SOA)的主要优点是松散耦合服务的构成和协调。由于服务和客户端的开发生命周期是解耦的,因此必须保持多个服务版本以继续支持旧客户端。通常,通过使用版本号和命名空间的约定更新服务描述,通常在SOA内管理。在所有情况下,必须评估服务描述之间的兼容性,如果手动执行,则可以很难,错误,易于易于且昂贵,特别是对于复杂的描述。在本文中,我们描述了一种自动确定何时何时兼容两个服务描述何时兼容的方法。然后,我们介绍一个案例研究,以说明我们如何利用SOA环境中的版本兼容性信息,并呈现初始性能开销。通过自动探索​​兼容性信息,a)服务开发人员可以评估所提出的变化的影响; b)可以在客户端实现中放置正确的版本控制要求,保证运行时不会发生不兼容; C)可以验证在SOA中交换的消息,以确保仅交换预期的消息或兼容的消息。



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