
Embodiment of an Agent by Anthropomorphization of a Common Object




We propose a direct anthropomorphization to improve human-agent interaction. It agentizes an artifact by attaching humanoid parts to it. There have been many studies that can provide valuable information on using spoken directions and gestures via anthropomorphic agents such as CG(Computer graphics) agents and communication robots. Our method directly anthropomorphizes the artifact through robotic bodily parts shaped like those of humans. An anthropomorphized artifact with these parts can provide information to people by giving them spoken directions and expressing themselves through body language. This makes people pay more attentions to the artifact, than when using anthropomorphic CG or robot agents. We conducted an experiment to verify the difference between receiving an explanation of the functions of the artifact using the direct anthropomorphization method and that from using the independent humanoid agent "Robovie". The results from participants' questionnaires and gazes during the experiment indicated that they noticed the target artifact and memorized the functions more quickly and easily from using the direct anthropomorphization method than from the "Robovie".



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