首页> 外文会议>Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements >Cadmium accumulation by muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) in saline and contaminated organic growing media

Cadmium accumulation by muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) in saline and contaminated organic growing media

机译:Muskmelon(Cucumis Melo L.)在盐水和受污染的有机种植媒体的镉积累



A greenhouse experiment was carried out to investigate the response of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) grown in peat at increasing root zone salinity and contamination of growing media with Cd. The effect of a factorial combination of four NaCl salinity levels (2 as control, 4, 6, and 8dS/m) and three levels of Cd in peat (0.3 as control, 5 and 10mg/kg) on mineral accumulation and distribution in plant as well as yield of muskmelon was assessed. Salt stress, indicated by reduced leaf dry matter content (4% 34%) and marketable yield (up to 50%), was accompanied by significantly increased Na and Cl accumulation as well as decreased K concentration in leaves and fruits. Cadmium accumulation in leaves increased with increasing salinity 25 days after commencement of the salinity treatment;however, after 50 days of salinity treatment, increased Cd accumulation in leaves occurred only at the highest salinity (8dS/m). Cadmium accumulation in muskmelon fruits was not influenced by salinity. The order of Cd concentrations in tissues [in mg/kg: leaves (9. 1- 17)>peel (0. 4-0. 6)>pulp (0.3-0.4)] suggests that muskmelon has low capacity (i) to transport Cd into fruits, and/or (ii) to translocate Cd from leaves to fruits. The hypothesis that NaCl salinity enhances Cd uptake was not supported for muskmelon.
机译:温室实验进行了调查甜瓜在增加根区域盐度和与镉生长介质的污染的响应(甜瓜)在泥炭生长。四个氯化钠的盐度水平阶乘组合的效果(2作为对照,图4,图6,和8DS /米)和在植物矿物累积分布泥炭三级镉(0.3作为对照,5和10mg / kg)以及甜瓜的产量进行了评估。盐胁迫,由减少的叶干物质含量(4%34%)和产率可销售(高达50%)所示,伴随着增加显著的Na和Cl积累以及减少在叶和果实K的浓度。叶镉积累与开始盐度治疗后25天增加的盐度增加;然而,盐度后治疗50天,增加了镉积累在叶片仅在最高盐度(8DS / m)的发生。在甜瓜果实积累镉没有被盐度的影响。镉浓度的组织中[以mg / kg:(0. 4-0 6)叶(9 1- 17)>果皮>纸浆(0.3-0.4)〕的顺序表明,甜瓜具有低容量(i)至运输光盘放入水果,和/或(ii)从叶到水果易位镉。该假说,即氯化钠盐度提高镉的摄取不支持甜瓜。



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