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The effect of arable field margin structure and composition on Orthoptera assemblages




Sowing vegetated margins around the edges of arable fields is a populartechnique to increase farmland biodiversity and is encouraged by the UKGovernment through agri-environment schemes. This study investigates theeffect of vegetative structure and composition of such sown strips on theOrthoptera assemblages within them. The number of individuals and speciesrichness of Orthoptera were recorded, as well as plant species, percentage groundcover and sward height, in a range of margins classified by their dominantvegetation types. Floristically diverse margins had considerably higherOrthoptera abundance, species richness and diversity than simpler margins. Thecauses are suggested to be a combination of floral composition, providing agreater range of food sources for different Orthoptera species, and floralstructure, providing a balance between shading and exposure to weather andpredation. This result confirms the importance of mixed-vegetation field marginsas an efficient means of promoting farmland biodiversity.



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