
Silicon-on-insulator microphotonic devices




SOI microwaveguides and associated devices (splitters, turns, ...) are used for light distribution. Rib SOI geometries obtained by shallow etching of the silicon film offer definite advantages for the integration of active devices while fulfilling efficiency and compactness. Propagation losses of such waveguides are one order of magnitude smaller than for single mode strip waveguides. Rib-based compact and low loss optical signal distribution from one input to up to 1024 output points has been demonstrated. Light injection in submicron SOI waveguides is discussed. The indirect bandgap of silicon is not in favor of light emission and modulation. Realization of silicon sources and efficient high speed silicon-based modulators is a real challenge. For light detection, germanium can be grown on silicon and Ge photodetectors with -3dB bandwidths up to 30 GHz have been demonstrated.
机译:SOI微波法和相关设备(分离器,转弯,......)用于光分布。通过浅蚀刻的硅膜获得的肋SOI几何形状为有效设备的整合提供了明确的优势,同时满足效率和紧凑性。这种波导的传播损耗是比单模条形波导小的一个量级。已经证明了从一个输入到达1024个输出点的罗纹的紧凑且低损耗光信号分布。讨论了亚微米的光注射。硅的间接带隙不赞成发光和调制。实现硅源和高速高速硅的调节器是一个真正的挑战。对于光检测,锗可以在硅片上生长,并且已经证明了高达30 GHz的-3dB带宽的GE光电探测器。


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