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Work in Progress: Improving First-Year Retention of Underprepared Students Through Support and Engagement




With the continued demand for a highly skilled and diverse engineering workforce the problem of understanding factors that influence retention in engineering remains significant. Becoming an engineering major requires students to spend considerable amounts of time and effort building up their knowledge base in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computation. As a result, many students at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College do not take actual engineering classes until their sophomore year. Based on campus data, the majority of our students who switch out of engineering do so after poor performance in a prerequisite mathematics or science course in their first year; hence they leave the engineering program often before they have had the chance to take a single engineering class. Based on our data, underrepresented minority students, especially females, are disproportionately affected. We hypothesize that this student cohort often exhibits lower levels of confidence in their mathematical abilities leading them to the conclusion they are 'not good enough' to succeed in mathematics classes. This is also paired with the belief that if they don't do well in math they will not succeed in engineering. We are exploring remedies to help these students - those who want to be engineers but may not be as well prepared in math and science - persist. In this paper, we will focus on group study sessions, which were implemented in the fall of 2016, to provide both academic and emotional support to students as they build their knowledge base in the prerequisite classes.
机译:随着对高技能和多样化的工程的持续需求劳动力,了解影响工程保留的因素的问题仍然重要。成为工程专业要求学生花费相当多的时间和精力在数学,物理,化学和计算中构建他们的知识库。因此,达特茅斯学院Thayer工程学院的许多学生在他们的二年级学年之前都不采取实际工程课程。基于校园数据,我们的大多数学生在第一年的先决条件数学或科学课程中的表现不佳后,他们会发生差。因此,他们经常离开工程计划,然后才有机会参加单一的工程阶级。基于我们的数据,经历了不足的少数民族学生,特别是女性,不成比例地受到影响。我们假设这名学生队列往往对他们的数学能力呈现较低的信心,这导致他们的结论是在数学课程中取得成功的结论。这也与信仰配对,如果他们在数学中做得好,他们就不会在工程中取得成功。我们正在探索帮助这些学生的补救措施 - 那些想要成为工程师的人,但可能不会在数学和科学中做好准备 - 坚持。在本文中,我们将重点关注集团研究会议,该学会在2016年秋季实施,为学生提供学术和情感支持,因为他们在先决条件课程中建立知识库。



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