首页> 外文会议>NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Global Atmospheric Change and its Impact on Regional Air Quality >Soot Particles from Different Combustion Sources: Composition, Surface groups, Oxidation under Atmospheric Conditions

Soot Particles from Different Combustion Sources: Composition, Surface groups, Oxidation under Atmospheric Conditions




Soot particles are a product of incomplete combustion of organic fuel and are considered as an important component of atmospheric heterogeneous chemistry (Penner and Novakov, 1996). They have a complex composition and consist of at least of two main fractions: one is a graphitic part (elemental carbon) on which the functional (surface) groups containing heteroatoms (such as O, H, S, N) are chemically bonded and the second fraction consists of organic compounds, mainly PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and their derivatives containing heteroatoms, which are generally considered to be physically adsorbed on the surface of the graphitic fraction. These compounds can be removed by organic solvent extraction. Graphitic and organic fractions of soot are also multi-component systems (Akhter et al., 1985). The composition and structure of soot particles are determined by the composition of both fuel and oxidant, and also by parameters of the combustion process.



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