首页> 外文会议>Symposium of the British Crop Protection Council >Towards biotechnical pest management of the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera)

Towards biotechnical pest management of the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera)

机译:朝向西玉米根虫的生物技术害虫管理(Dibrotica Virgifera Virgifera)



The western corn rootworm (WCR) {Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is one of the 10 most damaging insect pests in worldwide grain production. Damage and control costs of WCR in maize {Zea mays) in the USA, for example, reach1 billion US$ annually. Following its introduction to Europe (prior to 1992), WRC populations are steadily increasing, and the pest is also greatly extending its geographical range. Ultimately, European damage levels may reach and match those in the USA.WCR is a notoriously difficult insect to control and manage, as the history of maize cultivation over the past 50 years amply demonstrates. The genetic base of WCR is very broad, and allows numerous unexpected adaptations, including 'crop rotation resistant' WCR populations. Exclusive control by pesticides is highly problematic, because of the rapid selection of resistant strains. Therefore, environmentally compatible and sustainable plant protection require novel approaches to WCR management, including biotechnical strategies with the preferential use of naturll or nature-related signal compounds.
机译:西玉米根虫(WCR){Diabrotica Virgifera Virgifera)(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae)是全球粮食生产中最顽固的害虫最有害的害虫之一。美国玉米{Zea Mays的WCR损伤和控制成本,例如每年达到11亿美元。在欧洲介绍(1992年之前)后,WRC人口稳步增加,害虫也大大延长了其地理范围。最终,欧洲损害水平可能会达到和匹配美国.WCR是一种臭名昭着的难以控制和管理的昆虫,随着过去50年的玉米种植史充分展示。 WCR的遗传基础非常宽,并且允许众多意外的适应,包括“作物旋转抗性”WCR种群。由于抗性菌株的快速选择,杀虫剂的独家对照是非常有问题的。因此,环境兼容性和可持续的植物保护需要新的WCR管理方法,包括生物技术策略,优先使用Naturll或自然相关的信号化合物。



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