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Influence of data dividing of input term on wind speed forecast




In this study, the wind speed forecast model in which the data in data input term are divided and given is proposed, and optimum sub-input term and the number of sub-input are investigated. Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, is selected as the target site, and mean wind speed from the present time to 3, 6, or 12 hours later are forecasted by Multiple Regression Analysis. Wind speed and atmospheric pressure data in 1991 to 1999 are used in forecast model. It is found that (i) the forecast error ratio is decreased by dividing the input data, (2) the optimal sub-input term is 3 hour and the number of sub-input is 2 in any forecast term.
机译:在该研究中,提出了数据输入项中的数据的风​​速预测模型,划分和给出,并且研究了最佳的子输入项和子输入的数量。朝鲜岛县南崎县被选为目标网站,并且通过多元回归分析预测了从现在时间到3,6或12小时的平均风速。 1991年至1999年的风速和大气压数据用于预测模型。结果发现(i)通过划分输入数据来减少预测误差比,(2)最佳子输入项为3小时,并且在任何预测项中的子输入数为2。



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