
Memory and holographic space




Holography registers and shows the three-dimensionality of the "real" space, but on a two-dimensional support, and the holographic image can float either before or behind the plane of the hologram.In holography, the time of the image is the time of the viewer, and so as not to eliminate its peculiarity, this type of image can only be seen and felt, in its total uniqueness, through its direct presence.We have been developing a series of digital art holograms and lenticulars, exploring the movement inside and outside the holographic space, making the viewer's physical space also part of the holographic space.Starting from a belief in the human body as an emotional tool, as a messenger of memories, we are been creating a new space for the image whose structure is influenced by the holographic images and by the viewer as performer. In this paper we will develop these ideas by analysing a series of digital art holograms that we have been created, through the artistic installations that were produced.



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