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Continuous UTC: Preliminary Steps in Russian State Service for Time and Frequency - (ppt)

机译:连续UTC:时间和频率俄罗斯国家服务的初步步骤 - (PPT)



It is with deep sorrow that we inform you that Nikolay Koshelyaevsky passed away on 20.11.2020 after a serious and incurable illness. Nikolay came to work at our institute in 1970. The area of his activity was very wide - from the development of frequency standards to the creation of algorithms for the formation of National time scales of TA (SU) and UTC(SU). Under his leadership and direct participation, the National coordinated time scale UTC(SU) of the Russian Federation entered the number of the best time scales in the world. He actively represented the interests of Russia in International organizations: he was a member of the BIPM working groups, a member of the International Astronomical Union, the Telecommunication Union, the chairman of the time and frequency committee COOMET, etc. He was also a brilliant popularizer of the science of time, speaking regularly in the front of various audiences, in the media, on television. This is a heavy loss for us. The good memory of Nikolay Koshelyaevsky will forever remain in our hearts.
机译:深深的悲伤,我们通知您,在严重和可治区疾病后,Nikolay Koshelyaevsky于20.11.2020次过世。 Nikolay于1970年在我们的研究所上班。他的活动领域非常广泛 - 从频率标准的开发到创建算法,以形成TA(SU)和UTC(SU)的国家时间尺度。在他的领导和直接参与下,俄罗斯联邦的国家协调时间级尤币(SU)进入了世界上最佳时间尺度的数量。他积极代表了俄罗斯在国际组织中的利益:他是BIPM工作组的成员,国际天文联盟,电信联盟,时代和频率委员会COSOCH的主席等。他也是一个辉煌的时间科学的普及,经常在各种观众前面发言,在媒体,在电视上。这对我们来说是一个沉重的损失。 Nikolay Koshelyaevsky的良好记忆将永远留在我们的心中。



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