首页> 外文会议>Conference on Applied Linguistics >Implicature within Script Play of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Implicature within Script Play of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

机译:在Sophocles的Oedipus rex脚本播放中的植入物



Oedipus Rex as has been analyzed from many points of view such as psychoanalysis, literature or even theology. In this research, the Oedipus Rex will be analyzed from the eye of stylistic pragmatics which is implicature. The objective of this research is to reveal the real meaning lying inside the language as the pedagogical purpose. The focus of the analysis is implicature and the sub focus are types of implicature and maxim Grice. The source of data is dialogues within the script play which is collected by library method. Data is then analyzed using descriptive qualitative method to solve factual issues despite of testing hypothesis. The last stage is to present the result using informal method which means presenting result by using words instead of numbers and statistic. The result of analysis shows if there are two kinds of implicature which are implicature conventional and conversational and maxim cooperative, quantitative, qualitative, way and relevancy.
机译:Oedipus Rex已从许多观点分析,例如精神分析,文学甚至神学。在这项研究中,OEDIPUS REX将从含义的风格语用的眼睛分析。本研究的目的是揭示语言内部的真正含义作为教学目的。分析的重点是含义,子焦点是含义和Maxim Grice的类型。数据源是通过库方法收集的脚本播放中的对话框。然后使用描述性定性方法分析数据尽管测试假设,解决了事实问题。最后阶段是使用非正式方法呈现结果,这意味着使用单词而不是数字和统计来呈现结果。分析结果显示是否有两种含有常规和会话和最大合作,定量,定性,方式和相关性的含义。



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