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Prediction of User Opinion for Products: A Bag-of-Words and Collaborative Filtering based Approach




The rapid proliferation of social network services (SNS) gives people the opportunity to express their thoughts, opinions, and tastes on a wide variety of subjects such as movies or commercial items. Most item shopping websites currently provide SNS systems to collect users' opinions, including rating and text reviews. In this context, user modeling and hyper-personalization of contents reduce information overload and improve both the efficiency of the marketing process and the user's overall satisfaction. As is well known, users' behavior is usually subject to sparsity and their preferences remain hidden in a latent subspace. A majority of recommendation systems focus on ranking the items by describing this subspace appropriately but neglect to properly justify why they should be recommended based on the user's opinion. In this paper, we intend to extract the intrinsic opinion subspace from users' text reviews -by means of collaborative filtering techniques-in order to capture their tastes and predict their future opinions on items not yet reviewed. We will show how users' reviews can be predicted by using a set of words related to their opinions.
机译:社交网络服务(SNS)的快速增殖使人们有机会在各种各样的科学或商业项目等各种科目上表达他们的思想,意见和品味。大多数项目购物网站目前提供SNS系统,以收集用户的意见,包括评级和文字评论。在这种情况下,内容的用户建模和超个性化减少了信息过载,提高了营销过程的效率和用户的整体满意度。众所周知,用户的行为通常受到稀疏性的影响,并且他们的偏好仍然隐藏在潜在子空间中。大多数推荐系统专注于通过适当描述该子空间来排名这些项目,而是忽略了适当地证明为什么应根据用户的意见建议。在本文中,我们打算从用户的文本中提取内在意见子空间审查 - 同协同过滤技术的手段 - 为了捕捉他们的口味并预测他们对尚未审查的物品的未来意见。我们将通过使用与其意见相关的一组单词来展示用户的评论。



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