首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Economic Development and Management Innovation >Research on the Influence Mechanism of Organization Identification and Employee Turnover Intention: based on the Intermediary Role of Organizational Commitment

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Organization Identification and Employee Turnover Intention: based on the Intermediary Role of Organizational Commitment

机译:组织识别与员工周转意向影响机制研究 - 基于组织承诺中介作用



Organizational identity not only enables employees to identify their own position in the organization, but also links other members of the organization in organizational identity, reducing employee turnover and making the organization's operations more stable. Based on this, this study attempts to analyze the mechanism of action between organizational identity, organizational commitment, and employee turnover. The results show that organizational identity has a negative impact on employee turnover intention; organizational commitment plays a part in mediating between organizational identity and employee turnover tendency; collectivist culture and individualist culture between organizational identity and organizational commitment. The relationship has a regulating effect.



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