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The Relationship Between School's Role in Monitoring Nutritional Status with Food Habit and Physical Activity of Primary School Students in Medan




Nowdays, school is one of the environmental factors that affect the nutritional status of the student. The School Health Unit (UKS) and cafeteria as the school facilities, and extracurricular activities play an important role in achieving success in monitoring nutrition. The purpose of this study is to know the role of a school in monitoring the nutritional status and the food habit with physical activity of primary school students in Medan. This research with cross-sectional study of a representative sample of 210 primary school students. The sampling technique was purposive sampling method with considering the schools that have UKS and cafeteria where students can buy a wide variety of foods. Food habit of students collected through interviews using food recall form. Physical activity was measured using the Physical Activity Level (PAL) formula. The role of schools in monitoring the nutritional status is observed through the activities of UKS. Data were analyzed descriptively using Chi Square to see the relationship between the school's role in monitoring the nutritional status and the food habit and physical activity of students. The results showed that the school which already has UKS was not monitoring the nutritional status of students, even though UKS already providing weight scales and microtoise for measuring the anthropometry students, so that the data of nutritional status of students are not available. The measurement of physical activity showed no significant relationship between the food habit of students seen from number of meals based on sufficiency energy, protein, and fat with physical activity (p>0,05). It was concluded that the schools does not play a role in monitoring the nutritional status of students.
机译:现在,学校是影响学生营养状况的环境因素之一。学校健康单位(UK)和自助餐厅作为学校设施,课外活动在实现监测营养成功方面发挥着重要作用。本研究的目的是了解一所学校在监测营养状况以及棉兰小学生体育活动的营养状况和食品习惯。这项研究与210名小学生代表性样本的横截面研究。采样技术是有目的采样方法,考虑到有UKS和自助餐厅的学校,学生可以购买各种食物。通过使用食物召回表格采访收集的学生的食品习惯。使用物理活性水平(PAL)公式测量物理活性。学校在监测营养状况时的作用是通过UK的活动来观察到营养状况。使用Chi Square描述了数据进行了分析,以了解学校在监测营养状况以及学生的食物习惯和身体活动方面的作用之间的关系。结果表明,已经拥有UK的学校并未监测学生的营养状况,即使UKS已经提供体重秤和微电器,以便测量人类测量学生,因此无法获得学生的营养状况数据。在基于足够能量,蛋白质和脂肪的膳食数量和身体活动(P> 0,05)的膳食中,饮食习惯之间的饮食习惯没有显着关系得出结论,学校不会在监测学生的营养状况方面发挥作用。



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