首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments >TELEPROM-G: A Study Evaluating Access and Care Delivery of Telehealth Services among Community-Based Seniors with Depressive Symptoms

TELEPROM-G: A Study Evaluating Access and Care Delivery of Telehealth Services among Community-Based Seniors with Depressive Symptoms




Depression has been identified as a leading cause of frailty worldwide. Factors which contribute to an effective implementation of Telehealth/eHealth among seniors living with depressive symptoms remain understudied. Research has linked technology-geared mental health care delivery to better healthcare outcomes. Rigorous scientific evidence on the efficacy of ehealth technology, for example smartphone applications, is lacking. The solution tested in this study was a web-based Telemedicine and Client-Reported Outcome Measurement platform, using a Chromebook device. Applying a mixed method design, this pilot study generated valuable insights regarding factors which facilitate positive experiences for seniors participating in an eHealth intervention. Further research studies on the implementation of the platform with seniors appears to be feasible since the present study was able to successfully recruit 30 client participants and retain 87% until the end of study. Results related to participants' perceptions of the smart technology suggest device features need modification to facilitate older adults' comfort with the platform.
机译:抑郁症已被确定为全球脆弱的主要原因。有助于有效实施远沉/ eHealth在抑郁症状的老年人仍然被解读。研究将技术齿轮精神保健交付联系在更好的医疗成果中。缺乏关于电子医疗技术效力的严格科学证据,例如智能手机应用。在本研究中测试的解决方案是一种基于Web的远程医疗和客户报告的结果测量平台,使用Chromebook设备。应用混合方法设计,该试点研究产生了有关因素的有价值的见解,这促进了参与eHealth干预的前辈积极经验。进一步的研究对与老年人的平台实施的研究似乎是可行的,因为目前的研究能够成功招募30名客户参与者并保留87%直到学习结束。与参与者对智能技术的看法相关的结果表明设备功能需要修改,以便于平台促进老年人的舒适度。



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