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Next Generation PanDA Pilot for ATLAS and Other Experiments




The Production and Distributed Analysis system (PanDA) has been in use in the ATLAS Experiment since 2005.It uses a sophisticated pilot system to execute submitted jobs on the worker nodes.While originally designed for ATLAS, the PanDA Pilot has recently been refactored to facilitate use outside of ATLAS.Experiments are now handled as plug-ins such that a new PanDA Pilot user only has to implement a set of prototyped methods in the plug-in classes, and provide a script that configures and runs the experiment-specific payload.We will give an overview of the Next Generation PanDA Pilot system and will present major features and recent improvements including live user payload debugging, data access via the Federated XRootD system, stage-out to alternative storage elements, support for the new ATLAS DDM system (Rucio), and an improved integration with glExec, as well as a description of the experiment-specific plug-in classes.The performance of the pilot system in processing LHC data on the OSG, LCG and Nordugrid infrastructures used by ATLAS will also be presented.We will describe plans for future development on the time scale of the next few years.
机译:自2005年以来,生产和分布式分析系统(PANDA)已在ATLAS实验中使用。它使用复杂的试点系统来在工人节点上执行提交的作业。当最初为地图集设计时,熊猫飞行员最近被重新提缩以方便使用Atlas.Instariments现在被处理为插件,使得新的熊猫飞行员用户必须在插件类中实现一组原型化方法,并提供配置和运行实验特定的有效载荷的脚本。我们将概述下一代熊猫试点系统,并将呈现主要的功能和最近的改进,包括Live User Payload调试,通过联合Xrootd系统的数据访问,逐步到替代存储元素,支持新的Atlas DDM系统( Rucio),以及与Gloxec的改进集成,以及对实验特定的插件类的描述。试验系统在处理LHC数据时的性能e OSG,LCG和ATLAS使用的NorduGrid基础设施也将被提出。我们将描述未来几年的时间尺度的未来发展计划。



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