首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Digital Heritage >A Survey of Column-leaning in Korean Traditional Wooden Architecture Structures Using 3D scandata--With a Focus on the Columns of the Sungryeoljeon in Namhansanseong

A Survey of Column-leaning in Korean Traditional Wooden Architecture Structures Using 3D scandata--With a Focus on the Columns of the Sungryeoljeon in Namhansanseong

机译:韩国传统木制建筑结构柱倾斜的调查 - 用3D Scandata - 重点放在南汉山山阳光龙的柱子上



Colum-leaning in Korean traditional wooden heritage structures has been emphasized in various reports since, the first survey report from the 1950s. Recent technological advancements have granted researchers to use 3D scandata to examine column-leaning. This paper discusses the methods of measuring and representing column-leaning in the Soongryeoljeon in Namhansanseong - a UNESCO designated World Heritage site - using 3D scandata.
机译:在20世纪50年代的第一次调查报告以来,各种报告中强调了韩国传统木遗产结构的肥胖倾向。最近的技术进步授予研究人员使用3D Scandata来检查倾斜柱。本文讨论了南甘蓝湖苏丹湖湖唯一的测量和代表专栏的方法 - 联合国教科文组织指定的世界遗产 - 使用3D Scandata。



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