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The Body as Starting Point: Exploring Inside and Around Body Boundaries for Body-Centric Computing Design




More HCI designs and devices are embracing what is being dubbed "body centric computing," where designs both deliberately engage the body as the locus of interest, whether to move the body into play or relaxation, or to track and monitor its performance, or to use it as a surface for interaction. Most HCI researchers are engaging in these designs, however, with little direct knowledge of how the body itself works either as a set of complex internal systems or as sets of internal and external systems that interact dynamically. The science of how our body interacts with the microbiome around us also increasingly demonstrates that our presumed boundaries between what is inside and outside us may be misleading if not considered harmful. Developing both (1) introductory knowledge and (2) design practice of how these in-bodied and circum-bodied systems work with our understanding of the em-bodied self, and how this gnosis/praxis may lead to innovative new body-centric computing designs is the topic of this workshop.
机译:更多的HCI设计和设备正在拥抱被称为“身体的计算”的内容,其中设计既刻意将身体啮合作为感兴趣的轨迹,是否将身体移入播放或放松,或跟踪和监控其性能,或者用它用作相互作用的表面。然而,大多数HCI研究人员正在参与这些设计,几乎没有直接了解身体本身如何作为一组复杂的内部系统或作为动态交互的内部和外部系统集。我们的身体如何与我们周围的微生物组织的科学也越来越越来越展示了我们在美国内外的推定边界可能是误导,如果不被视为有害。开发(1)介绍知识和(2)这些内置和循环系统的设计实践如何与我们对EM-Bodied Self的理解工作,以及这种未经吞噬/普拉西如何导致创新的新身体计算设计是该研讨会的主题。



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