
Agent Adaptation through Social Opinion




A dynamic environment whose behavior may change in time presents a challenge that agents located there will have to solve. Changes in an environ-ment e.g. a market, can be quite drastic: from changing the dependencies of some products to add new actions to build new products. The agents working in this en-vironment would have to be ready to embrace this changes to improve their per-formance which otherwise would be diminished. Also, they should try to cooperate or compete against others, when appropriated, to reach their goals faster than in an individual fashion, showing an always desirable emergent behavior. In this pa-per a reinforcement learning method proposal, guided by social interaction between agents, is presented. The proposal aims to show that adaptation is performed inde-pendently by the society, without explicitly reporting that changes have occurred by a central authority, and even without trying to recognize those changes.
机译:动态环境,其行为可能随着时间的推移而改变,这是一个挑战,代理商必须要解决。 Environ-ment的变化市场,可能是非常剧烈的:从改变一些产品的依赖关系来增加新的操作来构建新产品。在这个融合环境中工作的代理商必须准备接受这种变化,以改善他们的每股普遍性,否则将减少。此外,他们应该尝试在挪用时与其他人合作或竞争,以便比以个人时尚更快地达到目标,表现出始终是理想的紧急行为。在此PA-PA-PER中,提出了代理之间的社交互动的提案。该提案旨在表明,如果不明确报告中央权力机构,甚至不试图承认这些变化,就会展示适应的适应。



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