首页> 外文会议>IEEE Annual Frontiers in Education Conference >Work in progress — Promoting the development of undergraduate researchers: Examining the significance of research engagement between faculty members and African American collegians

Work in progress — Promoting the development of undergraduate researchers: Examining the significance of research engagement between faculty members and African American collegians

机译:正在进行的工作 - 促进本科研究人员的发展:研究教师与非洲裔美国大学生之间研究参与的重要性



Unlike graduate students who report having faculty mentors, undergraduate students are less likely to report being mentored by a faculty member. Mentoring in higher education though can be a deeply rewarding experience for undergraduate students, contributing significantly to the student's development [1]. This qualitative study explored the research collaborative experiences of nine African American undergraduate students and 10 faculty members participating in summer research programs at a predominately White Institution (PWI) to better understand the nature of these relationships and what the perceived benefits of engaging in these relationships are. Findings suggest that the research collaborative mentoring relationships between faculty members and students are not as collaborative as anticipated, students gained a holistic view of the research process, increased research skills and experience, future opportunities, and personal and university support systems as benefits of the summer research experience. Faculty members reported gaining pragmatic benefits of collaborating with undergraduate students that included gaining assistance with research and new perspectives.



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