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Scenarios in the Wild: Experiences with a Contextual Requirements Discovery Method




[Context and motivation] A number of ethnographic approaches are available to gather requirements where they emerge, i.e. in the workplace of future system users. [Question/problem] Most of these approaches do not provide guidance and software tool support for on-site analysts. [Principal ideas/results] In this paper we present a tool-supported contextual method that combines key benefits of contextual inquiry and scenario-based techniques. It aims to improve guidance and support for on-site analysts performing a contextual requirements discovery. [Contribution] We applied this method in the Austrian Alps to discover stakeholder's requirements for a ski tour navigation system. This paper reports on this inquiry and analyses its results. Moreover, we discuss lessons learned and conclusions.
机译:[背景和动机]可以获得许多民族志方法可以收集他们出现的要求,即在未来的系统用户的工作场所。 [问题/问题]这些方法中的大多数都不为现场分析师提供指导和软件工具支持。 [主思想/结果]本文中文介绍了一种支持上下文的上下文方法,这些方法结合了上下文查询和基于场景的技术。它旨在改进对执行语境要求发现的现场分析师的指导和支持。 [贡献]我们在奥地利阿尔卑斯山区应用了这种方法,以发现利益相关者对滑雪道导航系统的要求。本文报告了此查询并分析其结果。此外,我们讨论了学习的经验教训和结论。



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