
Inaccessible Area and Effort Consumption Dynamics




The estimation of project effort E and project duration D is based on several simple empirical rules (laws). The laws are almost independent although some dependencies must exist. An example is the existence of so called inaccessible area (IA). IA is the set of pairs (D, E) that cannot appear. IA is related to the changes of effort consumption dynamics (ECD) for tight project durations D. The widely used Rayleigh model RM of ECD does not imply the existence of IA and the behavior of project efforts for projects having (D,E) near their IA's. RM has further deficiencies. Let t{sub}(max) be the time when effort intensity E(t) is maximal RM require that the effort E expended before t{sub}(max) is near to 0.52E. Another drawback is that RM implies almost no effort consumption for t > 3.5t{sub}(max). It therefore wrongly implies that zero defect software could be a feasible goal. It is known that it is not true. We propose a new model M inspired by physics having no such drawbacks. The model can be used to refine estimations of D and E after t{sub}(max) is passed. The model implies several mutual dependencies of empirical laws of software development. M for example implies the behavior of effort E near inaccessibility area and implies a realistic estimation of project duration.
机译:项目工作E和项目持续时间d的估计是基于几个简单的经验规则(法律)。该法律几乎是独立的,虽然一些依赖必须存在。一个例子是所谓的不可访问的区域(IA)的存在。 IA是一组不能出现对(d,E)的。 IA是关系到努力消费动态(ECD)为紧张的项目工期ECD的D.广泛使用的瑞利模型RM的变化并不意味着IA的存在和项目的努力附近有项目(d,E)的行为及其IA的。 RM有进一步的不足。设t {}分(最大)是当工作强度E(t)是最大的RM需要上前t {}子付出的心血E(max)是接近0.52E的时间。另一个缺点是,RM意味着对于t> {3.5吨子}几乎没有努力消耗(最大值)。因此它错误地暗示了零缺陷的软件可能是一个可行的目标。据了解,这是不正确的。我们建议由没有这样的缺点物理学激发了新的模型M。该模型可以后吨{子}被用于d和E的精制估计(最大)被传递。该模式意味着软件开发的经验规律几个相互依存关系。 M代表例如意味着无法进入附近区域的努力E的行为,意味着项目持续时间的现实估计。



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