
Mobile sensor localization and navigation using RF doppler shifts




It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 1st ACM International Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-less Environments -- MELT'08. Location-awareness is a key component for achieving context-awareness. Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend of location-based services and applications. In most cases, however, location information is limited by the accessibility to GPS, which is unavailable for indoor or underground facilities and unreliable in urban environments. Much research has been done, in both the sensor network community and the ubiquitous computing community, to provide techniques for localization and tracking in GPS-less environments. Novel applications based on ad-hoc localization and real-time tracking of mobile entities are growing as a result of these technologies. It is time to bring leaders from both the academic and industrial research communities to discuss challenging and open problems, to evaluate pros and cons of various approaches, to bridge the gap between theory and applications, and to envision new research opportunities in MELT. >The call for papers attracted 38 submissions from Asia, Canada, Europe, and the United States. The program committee accepted 14 papers for oral presentations and 9 papers for poster presentations. The workshop consists of four technical sessions and three poster sessions, with topics covering areas of optimization and signal processing techniques, novel radio signal strength based methods, as well as systems and applications in MELT.
机译:我们很高兴欢迎您参加移动实体本地化和追踪GPS的环境的第一ACM国际研讨会 - Melt'08 。位置意识是实现上下文意识的关键组成部分。近年来见证了基于位置的服务和应用的日益趋势。然而,在大多数情况下,位置信息受到GPS的可访问性的限制,这对于室内或地下设施不可用,城市环境不可用。在传感器网络社区和普遍存在的计算界中,已经完成了很多研究,以提供用于较少的GPS环境中的本地化和跟踪的技术。基于Ad-hoc定位的新应用以及移动实体的实时跟踪是由于这些技术的结果。现在是时候从学术和工业研究社区带来领导人,讨论挑战和公开问题,以评估各种方法的利弊,弥合理论与应用之间的差距,并设想融化的新研究机会。 >论文的呼吁吸引了来自亚洲,加拿大,欧洲和美国的38份提交。该计划委员会接受了14篇论文的口头陈述和9篇关于海报演示的论文。该研讨会由四个技术会话和三个海报会话组成,主题涵盖优化和信号处理技术,新型无线电信号强度的方法,以及熔体中的系统和应用。



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