
Grain Profile of a Printing System




Perceived color graininess is an important image artifact af- fecting image quality of a digital printing system, which can be attributed to various parts of a digital printing system such as col- orant physical properties, digital halftone design, etc. The con- ventional approach to quantifying color granularity on a printing system is to conduct measurements on individual color channels. While this is an effective way to measure each color channel's influence on color granularity, it fails to quantify the overall im- pact in reality where most of the image is composed of more than one colorant. Furthermore, it is possible to optimize the overall system performance in terms of color graininess if the cross inter- action among different color channels is known. In this paper, we propose to create a multidimensional grain profile in the Profile Connection Space (PICS) to describe the entire system perfor-mance in perceived color graininess.



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