首页> 外文会议>ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics >Determination of Relative Expression Levels of HLA Class-I Proteins in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Using Immunoprecipitationin Combination with Selected Ion Monitoring Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Relative Expression Levels of HLA Class-I Proteins in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Using Immunoprecipitationin Combination with Selected Ion Monitoring Mass Spectrometry




Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) is a family of molecules essential for immune function and with diverse clinical implications in infectious disease, autoimmunity, transplantation, cancer and pregnancy. Expression level of the human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) is known to influence pathological outcomes. Recent findings show a higher level of HLA-C expression is protective during HIV infection in multiple ethnicities and correlates with greater frequencies of both HIV-specific T-cell responses and viral escape mutations [1]. Classical HLA class-I loci relative expression levels are of particular interest on HIV-infected cells. Although expression level has important consequences for HLA function, relative levels of proteins expressed from the HLA-A, -B, -C, and -E loci are not well established. Precise quantitation of the HLA-A, -B, -C, and -E protein expression levels on normal primary cells as well as on HIV-infected cells would be valuable. The high homology (>80%) of the HLA variants of interest made it difficult to develop an antibody-based approach with antibodies specific for each protein with comparable affinities. Mass spectrometry, however, has the ability to directly detect and quantify highly homologous proteins if they have unique peptide sequences that distinguish them. Here, we describe the determination of the relative expression levels of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C for the specific haplotype A~*02:01, B~*44:02, C~*05:01, and HLA-E proteins from normal primary cells using selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry targeting their unique peptides in combination with stable isotope-labeled synthetic peptides for their absolute quantitation after total HLA immunoprecipitation.
机译:人白细胞抗原(HLA)是一种对免疫功能,具有不同临床意义,传染病,自身免疫,移植,癌症和妊娠的各种分子。已知人白细胞抗原(HLA)的表达水平影响病理结果。最近的发现显示出较高水平的HLA-C表达在多种种族中的HIV感染期间是保护性,与HIV特异性T细胞反应和病毒逃生突变的更大频率相关[1]。古典HLA类-I基因座相对表达水平对艾滋病毒感染的细胞特别感兴趣。尽管表达水平对HLA功能具有重要后果,但是从HLA-A,-B,-C和-E基因座表达的蛋白质的相对水平并不确定。在正常主要细胞以及艾滋病毒感染细胞上的HLA-A,-B,-C和-E蛋白表达水平的精确定量是有价值的。 HLA的HLA变体的高同源性(> 80%)使得难以使基于抗体的方法与具有可比亲和力的每​​种蛋白质特异的抗体。然而,如果它们具有区分它们的独特肽序列,则质谱具有直接检测和定量高度同源蛋白质的能力。在这里,我们描述了HLA-A,HLA-B和HLA-C的相对表达水平的测定特异性单倍型A〜* 02:01,B〜* 44:02,C〜* 05:01,以及使用所选的离子监测质谱法从正常初级细胞的HLA-E蛋白靶向它们独特的肽,与稳定的同位素标记的合成肽组合,以在总HLA免疫沉淀后的绝对定量。



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