首页> 外文会议>International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis >Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in powdered infant formula

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in powdered infant formula




Fifty one powdered infant formula products produced by 10 companies from seven countries available on the Czech market were tested. Milk used for these products is pasteurized prior to drying. IS900, the specific fragments for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were detected using PCR in 25 samples (49.0 %) and fragment f57 by real time PCR in 18 samples (35.3 %). One sample was positive by culture, but the finding was not successfully repeated. These results correspond to the epidemiological situation in Europe and are not unexpected. Paratuberculosis in cattle was almost unknown in the Czech Republic until 1990. An increase in the number of cows with paratuberculosis found in slaughterhouses and the incidence of Crohn's disease in the last decade is evident. The possible risk of killed MAP cells or bacterial structures in food is discussed in respect to an autoimmune cause Crohn's disease. The national programmes of paratuberculosis control and certification of paratuberculosis-free herds should be strongly supported to decrease the risk for children and other people under higher risk. Producers should use MAP-free milk for baby food production on a voluntary basis.
机译:在捷克市场上获得的10家公司生产的五十一条粉末婴儿配方产品进行了测试。用于这些产品的牛奶在干燥之前探测。 IS900,分枝杆菌亚空间的特定碎片。使用PCR在25个样品(49.0%)和F57中使用PCCR在18个样品(35.3%)中使用PCCR靶向PCR检测。一种样品是培养物的阳性,但发现未成功重复。这些结果对应于欧洲的流行病学情况,并不意外。在捷克共和国的牛肺癌差异几乎不为人知,直到1990年。在屠宰场中发现的牛孢子菌数量增加以及过去十年中克罗恩病的发病率是显而易见的。关于自身免疫引起克罗恩病,讨论了食物中杀死地图细胞或细菌结构的可能风险。应强烈支持国家对帕拉伯氏菌病群的帕拉伯氏化控制和认证,以减少较高风险下儿童和其他人的风险。生产者应该在自愿的基础上使用免费的牛奶进行婴儿食品生产。



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