首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Human Choice and Computers >A Study on Abusing Superior Bargaining Position in the Anti-Monopoly Act and Its Relation to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan

A Study on Abusing Superior Bargaining Position in the Anti-Monopoly Act and Its Relation to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan




This study discusses the intersection between the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) and the Anti-Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan, by focusing on abusing superior bargaining position from platform operators. My analysis is based on examinations of the provisions and related guidelines of AMA, the relevant provisions of APPI, and comparisons between the two regulations. Based on these findings: (1) most of the types of abuse which the Guidelines on Abusing Superior Bargaining Position (ASBP Guidelines) presented by Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) overlap with APPI provisions; (2) restrictions on abusing superior bargaining positions could play a specific role by applying itself to profiling activities which APPI might not effectively regulate. However, the possibility for indefinitely expanding the scope of "superior bargaining position" and the scarce experiences of administrative fines would be challenges for AMA. In addition, clarifying the theoretical reason to incorporate privacy and personal data protection into AMA would be a fundamental issue. Other than abusing superior bargaining positions, cooperation or conflict between anti-monopoly law and protection of personal information law need to be carefully examined depending on the situation, such as refusal of deal, and merger. While privacy and personal data must be the first priority in laws designed to protect personal information, competition law and other adjacent laws are increasingly significant. Studying them can offer a different perspective on the protection of personal information.
机译:本研究讨论了关于个人信息保护法(APPI)和日本反垄断法(AMA)的交汇处,专注于滥用平台运营商的卓越议价。我的分析基于AMA的规定和相关指南,APPI的有关规定以及两项规定的比较的研究。基于这些调查结果:(1)大多数滥用滥用的滥用指引(JFTC)与APPI规定重叠,滥用卓越的议价地位(ASBP指南); (2)对滥用卓越议价职位的限制可以通过将自己应用于应用程序无法有效调节的活动来发挥特定作用。但是,无限期地扩大“卓越议价地位”范围和行政罚款稀缺经验的可能性将是AMA的挑战。此外,澄清将隐私和个人数据保护合并到AMA的理论原因是一个基本问题。除了滥用卓越的讨价还价的讨价还价,反垄断法之间的合作或冲突,需要根据拒绝交易和合并等局势仔细审查个人信息法律。虽然隐私和个人数据必须是旨在保护个人信息的法律的第一个优先事项,但竞争法和其他邻近法律越来越重要。研究它们可以提供有关保护个人信息的不同视角。



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