
An Intelligent Tutor for a Web-Based Chess Course




Web-based intelligent tutoring systems try to fill the gap between human teachers and printed textbooks as distance learning aids. Actually, intelligent tutoring systems research is concerned with the development of computer tools that show adaptive capabilities in the domain of tutoring, where the student's progress is autonomously monitored and guided according to some tutoring strategy. This paper provides details on the analysis, design and implementation of such a system. STIA (Sistema Tutor en Internet de Ajedrez) is a fully implemented Web-based tool developed to provide adaptive guidance and help while learning chess basics. In STIA the task of the tutor is to guide the student efficiently through the course material, according to the tutoring strategy defined by the course authors. This is achieved in two ways. First, it imposes limits on the portion of course material the students can access. This prevents them from getting lost in a flood of information. Second, the tutor evaluates each student's knowledge through a set of problems, and according to result recommends reviewing theory, solving more problems or advancing through the course.
机译:基于网络的智能辅导系统努力填补人类教师与印刷教科书之间的差距作为距离学习辅助。实际上,智能辅导系统研究涉及在辅导领域中显示自适应能力的计算机工具的开发,根据一些辅导策略,学生的进步是自主监控和引导的。本文提供了此类系统的分析,设计和实施的详细信息。 STIA(SISTEMA导师EN Internet de Ajedrez)是一个完全实现的基于网络的工具,用于提供自适应指导和帮助,同时学习国际象棋基础知识。在Stia中,导师的任务是根据课程作者定义的辅导策略,通过课程材料有效地指导学生。这是以两种方式实现的。首先,它对学生可以访问的课程材料的部分施加限制。这可以防止他们丢失大量信息。其次,导师通过一系列问题评估每个学生的知识,并根据结果建议审查理论,解决更多问题或通过课程推进。



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