
The elusive QoS: what is missing?




Summary form only given. Today, the increasing popularity of mobile phones and VoIP is generating a large impact on the revenue of traditional telecom service providers (SPs). To maintain their subscriber base and average revenue per user (ARPU), SPs are eager to offer premium services such as IP TV, online gaming, etc. These services create a large demand for QoS in IP networks. However, after so many years of research, development and claimed deployment, QoS is still something of the future in IP networks including the Internet. Among other issues, the quality of most IP networks is still fairly unpredictable. Will QoS ever become reality? What makes QoS so elusive? In this speech, the speaker discusses the economic, regulatory and technical challenges of delivering end-to-end QoS in IP networks and especially the Internet. Some of the important topics include: the unclear business model for QoS: should sender or receiver pay for QoS? The uncertainty of government regulation: should SPs even be allowed to charge for QoS? The speaker then presents a pragmatic approach towards achieving QoS in the Internet. This covers a business model for QoS, the role of government regulation, the inter-working between SPs on QoS, the respective roles of the end-applications and the networks in delivering QoS, the single largest technology factor affecting QoS. In the end, the speaker discusses what the EURO-NGI community can contribute to QoS and suggests some practical research topics.
机译:摘要表格仅给出。今天,移动电话和VoIP的普及日益普及对传统电信服务提供商(SPS)的收入产生了很大影响。为了维护其用户基础和每个用户的平均收入(ARPU),SPS渴望提供IP电视,在线游戏等的高级服务。这些服务在IP网络中为QoS创造了大量需求。但是,经过如此多年的研究,开发和声称部署,QoS仍然是在包括互联网的IP网络中的未来。在其他问题中,大多数IP网络的质量仍然是不可预测的。 QoS永远会成为现实吗?是什么让QoS如此难以捉摸?在这次演讲中,发言者讨论了在IP网络中提供了在IP网络中的端到端QoS以及尤其是互联网的经济,监管和技术挑战。一些重要的主题包括:QoS的不明确商业模式:应该发件人或接收者支付QoS?政府监管的不确定性:SPS是否应该被允许为QoS收取费用?然后,演讲者展示了在互联网上实现QoS的务实方法。这涵盖了QoS的商业模式,政府监管的作用,在QoS上的SPS之间的相互作用,终端申请的各个角色以及提供QoS的网络,即影响QoS的单一最大技术因素。最终,发言者讨论了欧元NGI社区可以为QoS做出贡献的贡献,并提出了一些实用的研究主题。



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