
Delivering an ecological network in Cheshire




Expanding and linking areas tor wildliie to create an ecological network across Cheshire is an ambitious, long-term and large-scale initiative which will have a lasting impact on the county and those who live, work and visit it. By 2020 the EcologicalNetwork for Cheshire will encompass nearly 4000 ha of new and restored peatlands, heathlands, woodlands, meadows and wetlands linked together with existing priority habitats to form a coherent and sustainable network that will improve conditions for many species of plants and animals. The rural economy will be boosted, people's contact with nature will increase, and by using the network as guidance, development and land use planning will work with, and not against, nature. During 2005 Cheshire County Council and its partners have moved from planning the ecological network to its practical implementation on the ground. This involves the consideration of a whole new set of issues including: Scheme identification and assessment; technical feasibility ofhabitat creation; role of interpretation, access and education; community consultation and involvement; delivery models, funding and decision-making structures; and demonstrating the economic, social and regeneration case for an ecological network. The Cheshire approach has lessons for other managers of long-term, large-scale projects.
机译:扩展和连接领域的野生地区跨越柴郡创建生态网络是一种雄心勃勃,长期和大规模的倡议,将对县域和生活,工作和访问的人产生持久的影响。到2020年,柴郡的生态网络将包含近4000公顷的新和恢复的泥炭地,荒地,林地,草地和湿地与现有的优先栖息地联系在一起,形成一条连贯和可持续的网络,将改善许多植物和动物的条件。农村经济将被提升,人们与自然的联系将增加,并通过使用网络作为指导,发展和土地利用规划将与自然合作,而不是反对自然。 2005年柴郡县议会及其合作伙伴在将生态网络规划到地面实际实施情况。这涉及考虑全新的问题,包括:方案识别和评估;哈比特创作的技术可行性;解释,访问和教育的作用;社区咨询和参与;交付模式,资金和决策结构;并展示生态网络的经济,社会和再生案例。柴郡的方法为长期大规模项目的其他管理者提供了课程。



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