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Design Construction of the Foundations for the Watauga Raw Water Intake Facility In Karstic Limestone near the City of Johnson City, TN

机译:在Johnson City,TN城市附近的Watauga生水进水设施基础的设计与建设



The City of Johnson City constructed a new raw water intake structure on the banks of Watauga River near Johnson City, TN. The structure consists of an above-grade electrical room and pump house connected to a T-shaped clearwell that extends out into the river approximately 15 ft. below normal water level. The site is in the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province of Northeast Tennessee and is in a region of valleys and hills formed on the less-resistant limestones, dolomites and shales. The bedrock at the site is a karstic limestone rock from the Knox Group. The original foundation design for the intake structure was a structural mat with wall footings on bedrock. Uplift resistance was to be provided by a series of rock anchors. However, when the Contractor mobilized to the site and drilled a series of probe holes and excavated test pits around the perimeter of the clearwell to determine the top of rock, they did not indicate the presence of any competent rock. Instead, the Contractor extracted numerous large boulders of limestone rock found within a matrix of residual soil. The boulders were highly irregular in shape and exhibited signs of weathering on all sides. The Owner then contacted Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers (MRCE) to evaluate the conditions and to recommend a foundation system suitable for the difficult site. Additional borings were made at the site and MRCE ultimately recommended using mini-piles to support the new structure, a slurry wall cofferdam around the perimeter to support the excavation and to limit lateral seepage, and an extensive grouting program to help limit the under-seepage into the excavation. The work was subsequently performed by a specialty sub-contractor, and MRCE provided oversight during construction. This paper describes MRCE's investigations, findings and construction methodologies that led to the successful completion of the project.
机译:约翰逊城市在江东省教育局附近的Watauga河岸建造了一座新的生水进水结构。该结构包括一个高级电气室和连接到T形清除泵的泵房组成,延伸到河流中大约15英尺。正常水位低于河流。该网站位于田纳西州东北部的山谷和岭省省,位于山谷和山丘地区,形成了耐抗性的石灰岩,白云岩和索尔斯。该网站的基岩是来自诺克斯群的岩溶石灰石岩石。进气结构的原始基础设计是一种结构垫,基岩上有墙面垫。隆起电阻由一系列岩石锚提供。然而,当承包商动员到现场并钻了一系列探头孔和挖掘的测试坑周围的透明孔的挖掘测试坑来确定岩石的顶部,它们并没有表示存在任何称职的岩石。相反,承包商提取了在残留土基质中发现的众多大型石灰石岩石巨石。巨石的形状非常不规则,并且在各个方面表现出风化的迹象。然后,业主联系了Mueser Rutledge咨询工程师(MRCE)来评估条件,并推荐适合困难地点的基础系统。在现场制作额外的钻石,MRCE最终推荐使用迷你桩来支持新结构,是周围的一个泥浆墙围堰,以支持挖掘和限制横向渗漏,以及广泛的灌浆程序,以帮助限制渗漏进入挖掘。该工作随后由专业分包商执行,MRCE在建设期间提供监督。本文介绍了MRCE的调查,调查结果和施工方法,这些方法导致了项目成功完成。



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