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a Hydrogen-Turbopump-Powered Thrust Vector Control Servo System For High Thrust LH2/LOX Rocket Engines

机译:用于高推力LH2 / LOX火箭发动机的氢型涡轮动力推力向量控制伺服系统



A TVC (Thrust Vector Control) Servo System for high thrust LH2/LOX engines is described, including its architecture, technical characteristics and flight test results. Ultra high speed turbopumps are used to draw high pressure hydrogen gas from the engines and to transform them to hydraulic powerto drive electro-hydraulic servomechanisms. Meanwhile, the low temperature hydrogen gas exhausted from the turbines, where they have expanded and worked, are utilized to exchange heat with and cool down the hydraulic oil, whose temperature is stabilized at the desired range to meet the requirements of long duration flight missions. The simplicity of this power approach also guarantees the system's inherent reliability. Another characteristic of the system is its redundancy design, including triple redundancy in the control loop and dual redundancy in the hydraulic power supply, with SPFs (single point failure) eliminated in critical junctions to improve flight reliability further. The system structure is unique in that power and control components are highly integrated and gas/liquid passages embedded, with simple outside interfaces for convenient maintainability. The system has been tested by hot firing girriballing tests of engines and flights of launch vehicles, showing a highly data consistency with design computations.
机译:描述了用于高推力LH2 / LOX发动机的TVC(推力矢量控制)伺服系统,包括其架构,技术特征和飞行测试结果。超高速涡轮泵用于从发动机汲取高压氢气,并将其转换为液压POWERTO驱动电液伺服机。同时,利用从涡轮机排出的低温氢气,在那里它们扩展和工作,以与液压油交换并冷却,其温度在所需范围内稳定,以满足长时间飞行任务的要求。这种功率方法的简单性也保证了系统的固有可靠性。该系统的另一个特征是其冗余设计,包括控制回路中的三重冗余和液压电源的双冗余,在临界结中消除了SPF(单点故障),以进一步提高飞行可靠性。该系统结构是独一无二的,该电源和控制部件是高度集成的和燃气/液体通道嵌入的,具有简单的外部接口,可方便的可维护性。该系统已通过发动机和发动机飞行的热火调用测试测试,显示了与设计计算的高度数据一致性。



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