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Prevalence of the Abusive Drugs Uses and Knowledge About AIDS Among Health Area Students of Federal the University of Alagoas, Maceio/AL, Brazil

机译:滥用药物的患病率和艾滋病艾滋病艾滋病艾滋病艾滋病联邦Alagoas大学,Maceio / Al,Brazil



We sought to promote the cross-sectional survey to determines the epidemiological profile of health area students of the Federal University of Alagoas, it goes collecting it dates of drugs it uses and knowledge about AIDS. We verify that 86(percent) have good economical level, but only 11,6(percent) have the employment. 42,3(percent) used illicit drugs in the life, live it goes men [OR = 2,69 (1,49-4,87)]; the men also made larger uses of solvents and marijuana. The lives used illegal drugs it plows solvents (28,3(percent)), benzodiazepinics (15,7(percent)), marijuana (8,9(percent)) and anorectics (5,1(percent)). First contact with drugs happens before 18 years old, first goes alcohol and tobacco; the own relatives (23,5(percent)) and friends (41,5(percent)) have induced to the initial uses of the alcohol; 57,4(percent) of the ones that drink were already intoxicated, with risk of 5,94 (2,73-13,25) it goes men; 20,2(percent) already affirmed to have driven under effect of the substance. About sex, the men have larger sexual exhibition than the women in the same period; only 70,1(percent) recognize simultaneously vaginal the, oral and anal practices the of risk to contract HIV. Ignorance gaps exist on adds infection forms it goes HIV told by the students. 84,4(percent) refer to take great measures the good ones to avoid the HIV, but 2,8(percent) affirm not to take any prevention. Up to 23,3(percent) trust only fixed partner the single method to avoid HIV. The uses of illicit drugs doesn't influence in the smallest it uses of the preservative it goes the subjects (p> 0,05).
机译:我们试图促进横断面调查来确定联邦阿拉戈斯大学卫生区学生的流行病学概况,它将收集IT使用和艾滋病知识的毒品日期。我们核实86(百分比)具有良好的经济水平,但只有11,6(百分比)就业。 42,3(百分比)使用的非法毒品,生活,男人[或= 2,69(1,49-4,87)];这些人还制造了溶剂和大麻的更多用途。使用非法药物渗透溶剂(28,3(百分比)),苯并二氮杂膜(15,7(百分比)),大麻(8,9(百分比))和肛肠(5,1(百分比))。第一次接触药物在18岁之前发生,首先是酒精和烟草;自身亲属(23,5(百分比))和朋友(41,5(百分比))诱导醇的初始用途;饮料已经陶醉的57,4(百分比),风险为5,94(2,73-13,25),它是男性; 20,2(百分比)已经肯定是在物质的影响下驱动。关于性,男人的性展比同期女性更大;只有70,1(百分比)同时识别阴道,口服和肛门练习患有艾滋病毒的风险。 Advorance Favia event存在于学生们的艾滋病毒艾滋病感染形式上存在。 84,4(百分比)是指采取较大的措施避免艾滋病毒,但2,8(百分比)肯定不采取任何预防。最多23,3(百分比)仅靠固定合作伙伴来避免艾滋病毒的单一方法。非法药物的用途不会影响最小的预防液体的用途,它会受试者(P> 0,05)。



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