首页> 外文会议>International AIDS Conference >Prevention of HIV-STDs and Substance Abuse in High-risk Hispanic/Latino Teenage Girls

Prevention of HIV-STDs and Substance Abuse in High-risk Hispanic/Latino Teenage Girls




Introduction: HIV/AIDS epidemic in the U.S. has spread faster among minority females adolescents. Hispanics have double the rates of new HIV infections and high rates of teenage pregnancy. Methods: Subjects (178 young Latinas) participated in the study. A quasi-experimental study comparing intervention and comparison groups tested the effectiveness of the program. Evaluation included data collection at baseline and post-test from family participants. Data analysis included demographic, frequency, group equivalence t-tests, and within and between groups comparisons. Results: Mothers improve in drug and HIV knowledge, while intervention youth diminished risk behaviors and improves on protective factors, in comparison to control group. Conclusions: Culturally sensitive mentoring is effective in increasing protective factors such as social bonding inside and outside the family participants. In addition, PYC decreases risks in young Latino girls to prevent HIV/ STDs, teen pregnancy and substance abuse.
机译:简介:美国艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行病在少数女性青少年中蔓延。西班牙裔美国人的新艾滋病毒感染和少年妊娠率的高速度增加了两倍。方法:受试者(178名年轻人)参加了该研究。比较干预和比较群体的准实验研究测试了该计划的有效性。评估包括基线的数据收集和家庭参与者的测试后。数据分析包括人口统计,频率,组等价T检验,以及组比较内部和之间之间的。结果:母亲改善药物和艾滋病毒知识,而干预青年减少风险行为减少,并与对照组相比,危险性行为和保护性因素。结论:文化敏感的辅导在家庭参与者内外社会粘合等保护区内有效。此外,PYC降低了年轻拉丁裔女孩的风险,以预防艾滋病毒/ StD,青少年妊娠和药物滥用。



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